SEN Specialist Expertise

SENCO and SEN Staff

Our Head Teacher is Ms Emma Milburn; she has held the national award for SENCO since 2014.

Our SENCO is Miss Leanne Lindsay-Barnes; she recently received the national award for SENCO in 2022.

More details of the SENCO’s role can be found in the SEN Policy which you can find in the School Policies section of our website.

External Specialists and Other Bodies

The school enjoys good working relationships with a wide range of people who provide services to children with SEND and their families. Agencies we work with include:

  • Educational Psychology Service (EPS)
  • Speech and Language Therapy Service (SALT)
  • Autism Team (ASC)
  • Learning and cognition team (LDDIS)
  • Educational Welfare Team
  • School services through the TAF process
  • School Nurse/Paediatric health team
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)

The external specialists may:

  • Act in an advisory capacity
  • Extend expertise of school staff
  • Provide additional assessment
  • Support a child directly
  • Suggest statutory assessment is advisable
  • Consult with all parties involved with the child

These include:

How We Secure Specialist Expertise

At Seascape Primary School, we prioritise staff expertise for children with SEND. We currently have 8 Teaching Assistants who work 1:1 with SEND pupils. Each LSA has specialisms which determine the Key Stage they work within. Those who work in Early Years and KS1 are adept at delivering SALT intervention, BLAST, fine and gross motor skills intervention and RWI. Within KS2, each LSA is especially trained to deliver interventions such as Hornet/Word Wasp, Fresh Start and SEMH interventions such as Lego Therapy and Relax Kids. Because close attention is given to SEND provision, and who is delivering it, this ensures high quality SEND intervention that compliments the Quality First Teaching within each classroom.

SLT have invested in private SALT and Occupational Therapy to allow our SEND children to receive tailored, expert advice and targets in a timely manner. They support and train key members of staff, provide individualised targets for interventions, introduce high quality resources and provide specialist reports.

Within school, a SEND intervention model is in place. Within this model, SLT and the SENCO timetable tailored and evidence-based interventions for support staff to deliver to SEND pupils within their designated class. Within these interventions, bespoke targets are created by link professionals e.g. SALT or through emerging school trends relating to SEND. All targets within the intervention model feed into the child’s support plan and Teaching Assistants’ performance management is directly linked to this process. All interventions are rigorously reviewed by the TA through detailed impact statements; through baseline and exit data and by the class teacher during the review of each child’s support plan.

Our Additional Needs Budget is used to support children and young people with SEN.

This is used to support children and young people with SEND by:

  • Improved pupil:teacher ratio
  • Purchase of additional resources to support specific outcomes for pupils
  • Tracking and monitoring of achievement
  • Targeted intervention and support programs
  • Specialist Teaching Assistants to provide effective support
  • Early identification and assessment
  • Improved ICT resources – iPads / Laptops
  • Continuous CPD for all staff
  • Purchase of Service Level Agreements to provide additional specialist and targeted support
  • Bespoke SEND CPD for all staff
  • Sensory resource boxes within each class to ensure sensory friendly classrooms.

If a child has complex special educational needs, we could also receive additional funding from the Local Authority to meet the agreed outcomes.