Welcome to
Seascape Primary School
“Be your BEST self and reach for the stars!”
A message from Mr Christie – Headteacher
I am delighted to be the new Headteacher of Seascape Primary School and welcome you to our vibrant and inclusive Primary School located in the heart of Peterlee, County Durham. Seascape Primary School offers a dynamic, engaging and fun educational journey for children aged from 2 to 11 years of age.
Seascape Primary School has an outstanding team of dedicated staff who are passionate about nurturing each child’s potential, providing them with unique and enriching learning experiences within a safe, stimulating and fun environment.
All staff commit to ensure that every child excels academically, developing a lifelong love for learning and key personal skills so that they become confident, resilient, responsible and successful citizens of the future.
Collaborating closely with parents, caregivers, and community partners, school is committed to helping all our pupils achieve their best outcomes. The notion of T.E.A.M is central to our mission at Seascape Primary School.
Seascape Primary School is committed to improving outcomes for all pupils.
I invite you to explore our new website to learn more about the range of exciting and fun learning opportunities on offer at our school. If you are considering enrolling your child, I warmly encourage you to visit us so that you can meet the team and the outstanding children.
For those whose children are already part of our school community, thank you for entrusting us with their care and education. Your child’s best interests are at the heart of every decision made at Seascape Primary School.
Should you need any additional information about life at Seascape Primary School, please feel free to contact me.
Mr D. Christie

Parents Information
This section of our website provides parents and carers with useful information if you are considering our school or have a child who is a pupil at our school. If you require further information about any of the items shown in this section, please contact the school and we will do our best to help.

About Our School
In this section you will find information on how we run our school including our current staffing structure, governing body and our school policies.
You can find details of how we are performing by viewing or downloading our Ofsted Reports and Performance Tables.

Pupils Information
Pupils have an important part to play in helping their school make decisions. In this section you will find information about some of the activities your child takes part in during school. This may be as a representative in the School Council or as an active member of a School Club.
School Blogs
Careers Week
Careers Week Year 5 and 6 worked with staff for Commando Joe’s developing lots of...
Camping with Year 6
Camping with Year 6 We took our year 6 children to visit Moorhouse for an overnight...
PCSO Visit to our School
Seascape Primary had a PCSO visit to talk to the children to talk during careers week....