Our Vision
At Seascape Primary School, we are dedicated to providing only the highest quality of education so that every child achieves their best outcomes. Our ethos is centred on a steadfast commitment to high expectations and standards of care, nurture and support – always recognising the potential and best in every child.
Learning is FUN at Seascape Primary School!
The carefully designed curriculum provides the neccessary support and challenge to all pupils, while promoting and prioritising their personal growth. Children thrive at every stage of their learning journey, equipping themselves with a love of learning and the resilience, determination and confidence needed for future success.
“Be your BEST self and reach for the stars!”

Our Ethos
We believe that all children should experience the feeling of accomplishment in a wide range of areas. Our curriculum inspires our children to be more, we want our children to be more successful in school over the course of a day, a term, a school year and to be inspired for their whole academic career.
Our curriculum gives pupils a mix of academic and personal development; it gives equal importance to core and foundation subjects; physical wellbeing and mental wellbeing. Personal and social education is the basis of our ethos ensuring the children’s emotional needs are met thus allowing them to excel.
We carefully balance the requirement for pupils to reach national expectations in core subjects with our wider curriculum for a full spectrum of thoughtful and enriching experience. We offer a rich and varied curriculum to encourage them to be successful throughout their academic career and allowing them to thrive.
At Seascape Primary School we want our children to experience:
- A curriculum that has knowledge and vocabulary at the heart of learning
- A curriculum that helps children to know how to live healthy lifestyles – both physically and mentally
- A rich curriculum that enables pupils to see the world beyond their locality
- A curriculum where knowledge underpins and enables the application of skills
- Opportunities to embed basic skills
- Resilience, perseverance, challenge and support so they have the confidence to aim high and aspire to more
- Spiritual, moral, social and cultural experiences threaded through all we do which will facilitate our pupils’ future
As a school we advocate a consistent approach to teaching and learning, strongly informed by research evidence into what works in the classroom. We recognise the importance of personalising learning to the needs of individual children and classes. Our focus is upon all children in our classes making maximum progress across the curriculum.
Rosenshine’s 10 Principles of Instruction underpin the classroom practice at Seascape Primary School:


New material in
small steps



Guide Student

Check Student

Obtain High
Success Rate

Scaffolds For
Difficult Tasks


Weekly And
Monthly Reviews
Early Excellence forms the basis of our approach with nursery and reception and key stage one. We believe that children learn through play and new experiences and we strive to offer this through high quality, open ended resources which are accessible to all children.
As a school we strive to develop independent children, who take pride in their own learning by leading it their own way, knowing their voice and opinion is heard and by learning in a safe environment where risk taking is encouraged.
We are proud to be a ‘Read, Write, Inc’ school. As part of this, we use silent signals across the whole school in order to promote high levels of engagement and pace within all lessons.
We are a ‘Big Maths’ school. Lessons are structured and follow a clear process based on the principals of the cognitive load theory. We believe that children need to revisit taught material in order to move knowledge / information from their short term memory into their long term memory.
The cognitive load theory also forms the basis of our classroom setup across the school. We believe that continuous provision allows children to explore taught skills independently as well as promoting their own independent enquiry.
This allows for learning to be revisited and extended. Within key stage two, where continuous provision is not set up around the classroom, teachers use ‘deliberate forgetfulness’ (Chris Quigley) and continuous resources within the room to revisit learning e.g. world maps, timelines and quizzes.
First and foremost we want to instil in our children a love of learning and an understanding that the learning is part of a journey they are on. We want them to feel safe, to express and celebrate their learning achievements and recognise their own personal and academic growth. We see this impact in:
Due to the rich curriculum we offer we expect to see improvements across:
- The engagement of pupils in lessons
- The profile of all subjects being raised in school
- Increased knowledge and skills of children year on year
- Broader experience
- An increased participation in lessons and activities
First and foremost we want to instil in our children a love of learning and an understanding that the learning is part of a The impact of what we do and what the children achieve cannot always be measured in data sets and numbers so we always try to look holistically at the whole child.
We consider our children as individuals who are facing future challenges and ultimately leave us high school ready having enjoyed and embraced their learning experiences along the way.
Here is a breakdown of our School Day
- 8.00am- school opens for breakfast club (enter via Learning Zone doors)
- Registration– 8.45am
- English or RWI – 9.00am-10.00am
- Guided Reading – 10.00am-10.30am
- Assembly – 10.30am – 10.45am
- Break – 10.45am – 11.00am
- Maths – 11.00am – 12.00pm KS1 (12.15pm KS2)
- Lunch – 11.30am-12.30pm (2-5 yr olds)
- 12.00pm-1.00pm (Classes 3 – 6)
- 12.15-1.00pm (Classes 7 & 12)
- 1.00pm – 1.30pm – PSHE (3 times per week)
- 1.30pm – 2.50pm – Topic, Science, PE or Computing
- 2.50pm – 3.00pm – Story Time
- End of Day – 3.15pm
- Rainbow and Nursery sessions AM sessions: 8.45-11.45am or PM 12.30-3.30pm
additional wraparound is available from 8am until 5pm for a small fee. - We offer 30 hours childcare for eligible families.
- Friday afternoon – Golden Afternoon
Children complete a range of activities on a rotation such as STEM, Music, French, cooking, PE, art and OPAL. - After school clubs and tea time club available until 5pm (£2 per child)
Tea Time until 4.30pm Friday