LKS2 – Yorvik (A Viking Adventure)

This half-term the children in LKS2 have been looking at Traders and Raiders of the UK. At the beginning of the half-term we studied the Anglo-Saxons. Towards the end of this half-term we began to look at the Vikings.

On Wednesday 12th February, the children in Classes 7, 8 and 9 went to York for the day.

The adventure took them to Yorvik (a place deep under the streets of York that has been excavated). Here the children learnt more about life in Viking times (including what they wore, what they ate, the jobs they did and the houses).All of the children really enjoyed the interactive ride experience in the museum (except the awful smell!) and also the exciting ancient poo! They had already learnt about this and really wanted to see it! I don’t think we would have coped with the smell if we were Vikings.

We also had a trip to DIG, which is where the children had their lunch.
There was also a mini museum here with some excavated bones and a replica Viking boat.

The walk through York was also delighful, as the children go to see York Minster, the Shambles shopping street and even had a giggle at the shortest street in York with the longest name (Whip-ma Whop-ma Gate).

An early night was in store for everyone, as we were all so tired after our adventure!