Class 9’s Vegetable Adventure

Back in February, Class 9 planted some seeds with the aim of putting them into the school garden after the Easter holidays – they planted carrots, peas, broccoli and potatoes.

Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, the vegetables didn’t get planted in school, but Miss Bailey took them home to look after them. Every few weeks, she took pictures and emailed them to the children in Class 9, so they could see how they were growing.

Then on Sunday 28th June, the time came to dig up and pick the vegetables.

There was:

  • a bucket full of potatoes,
  • a bag full of peas (with more still growing),
  • a bunch of somewhat wonky baby carrots.

The broccoli is still growing, but there are some heads appearing, so it shouldn’t be too much longer!

Check out the pictures!

Perhaps we’ll have even more vegetables when we next plant some tiny seeds!